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Pheeelz t1_j5rxttk wrote



you mean Gaelic?


mklinger23 OP t1_j5ryolv wrote

Gaelic can refer to a few different languages. Irish gaelic is the specific language spoken in Ireland. Most Irish people just refer to it as Irish or gaeilge (Irish-gaelic for "Irish gaelic").


Pheeelz t1_j5ryuah wrote

Yea idk I’m from the Irish catholic community In Philly and I’ve only ever heard it called Gaelic not Irish


mklinger23 OP t1_j5rzlcx wrote

Most people from Ireland that I know refer to it as Irish. Non-immigrant Irish Americans might be a different story. The linguist community has kind of landed on Irish as well which is why I choose to use it instead of gaelic.


SomePaddy t1_j5tqa7y wrote

>The linguist community has kind of landed on Irish as well which is why I choose to use it instead of gaelic.

You chose wisely.

>Non-immigrant Irish Americans might be a different story.

TIL a fancy way of saying "Plastic Paddies"


mklinger23 OP t1_j5twuw7 wrote

> TIL a fancy way of saying "plastic paddies"

I was trying to be respectful 😅


HD_Adventure t1_j5sbih6 wrote

Would you correct someone saying they spoke German and go "you mean Deutsche?" Or "you mean Français?" For French?