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uptown_gargoyle t1_j60aa6s wrote

the crime is out of control in this city


animesekaielric t1_j60i0bg wrote

Saw a comment the other day: what’s more criminal- a boss stiffing his employees $100 a day or an employee stealing $100 from the till


uptown_gargoyle t1_j60jioq wrote

I'm not sure whether there are degrees of criminality.

edit: although stealing $100/day sounds a lot more serious than stealing $100 once


SanjiSasuke t1_j61f6kl wrote

There are absolutely degrees of criminality. Like, enshrined in law. Like for example, there's larceny and grand larceny.


uptown_gargoyle t1_j61jlsv wrote

I guess. It just seems odd to me to call one crime "more criminal" than another. Crimes certainly have degrees of seriousness; different crimes carry different punishments and all.

To my mind, something is a crime or it isn't. It isn't any more or less criminal for a shop owner to steal from a worker than it is for a worker to steal from a shop owner. The punishments for these two crimes generally differ, and there are ethical differences between them I think. But they're both crimes.

Can all crimes be ranked from most to least in terms of how criminal they are? Not in terms of the severity of their respective punishments, but on the criminality of the crimes themselves?


[deleted] t1_j61o7gu wrote



Brousinator t1_j639hkd wrote

Did... Did you just use Les Miz as an insult? Wow now I've seen everything.


RufusLaButte t1_j639yxx wrote

Javert: is shown kindness and forgiveness once "what is this? I must end my life."


dirtymatt t1_j634szt wrote

1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, etc.


ftloudon t1_j61yf87 wrote

Reminder that the rampant wage theft that happens across the country gets a millionth the amount of press coverage as “organized crime retail theft” does.


dammit_dammit t1_j63bbm8 wrote

Not only that, but employers try to push the idea that if you are less than 100% productive while on the job, you're committing "time theft" while also doing things to their employees like stealing tips and not providing required overtime pay.