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familyofgeniuses t1_j6czgbz wrote

I'm becoming more and more of a hard liner about this stuff. I strongly believe we need to improve and redesign our housing systems so more people choose them but... our shelters and transitional housing programs are not at capacity. I volunteer at a housing program and it's a constant struggle to get beds even 80% filled. Homeless people on the el are there because they choose to do that rather than participate in programming. This is going to remain the case forever as long as they have that choice.

I'm sympathetic to them, but not so sympathetic that I'm willing to cede our transit system to them.


ten-million t1_j6d6ux4 wrote

Why do homeless people prefer to sleep on SEPTA than at a shelter?


familyofgeniuses t1_j6d7twn wrote

rules, being assigned a different place than your friends, being assigned housing far from where you beg for money or buy drugs, safety/theft issues in emergency shelters, being checked for drugs and weapons. Also some people are homeless for so long being in an apartment distresses them.