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t1_j5eu6yx wrote

Did you just ask Philly to not park on the sidewalk?? Lol


t1_j5ezuhk wrote

Yes, he did and more people should and it should be enforced zealously by law enforcement, although McNesby's slobbering goons are not likely to ever show that modest commitment to the public good.

If you disagree, well you're a bad person and should go live in Jersey. Philadelphia would be better off without your decidedly inferior kind.


t1_j5f0chc wrote

Also I don’t think jersey needs any more shitty people. It’s nearing Florida levels of insanity


t1_j5f09id wrote

I don’t disagree. I just think it’s comical.

I don’t live in Philly, used to work there and have a love for the city.
