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Prestigious-Owl-6397 t1_j6lix7w wrote

Minorities refers to anyone in the minority in this instance. Most people in the US drive cars. Therefore, motorists are the majority. Only about 1% of Americans commute by bike. Therefore, bicyclists are the minority. Anytime you have a clear minority, it's easier for people in the majority category to judge the minority category by a few people. I'm not saying this is right. Of course ethnic minorities faced atrocities that a white cyclist never had to face. They're not comparable, and I wasn't comparing them. I was using minority in the strict sense of the word.


Sent_From_time t1_j6lm74v wrote

Yeah, thats a lot of words that simmer down to “my foot is now officially in my mouth.”


DavidLieberMintz t1_j6lnhnw wrote

The word minority is not synonymous with people of color. It literally means not the majority. Most Americans do not ride bikes, so cyclists are the minority.