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Glystopher t1_j6owxwj wrote

October 15th, 4pm. I pulled up outside the Wawa at 38th and spruce, locked the bike to the big upside down U (now completely gone except bent shards) on the spruce side of that corner wawa. Headed toward the door. All hell breaks loose, I hear a scream, screeching tires and commotion and I look and here is this car barreling diagonally through the intersection heading towards the corner. It knocked over a light pole as I watched (I thought it would stop it..) so then I panicked and ran back down the sidewalk past my bike and got tripped up by it and twisted and I felt my legs go like toothpicks. My bike was in pieces (according to my roommate who got there later after I went to the hospital) it had been knocked out of my view of where I was on the ground shouting “what the fuck” dazed as hell I had some head lacerations too but not knocked out. Couldn’t locate my phone either as it was knocked out of my hand. Someone walked off with it and I had to replace that too while in the hospital.