SquiblyWibly t1_j6ry6v4 wrote
People's ethics today are self centered self righteous and self-serving. They fully believe their opinions outweigh what others believe regardless of what facts prove. They will fully manipulate science or economics to support their position no matter how negatively it affects those who don't think like they do. Ethics do not exist today.
TheMain_Ingredient t1_j6sme1a wrote
Welcome to the human race.
The idea that ethics used to exist and only now have stopped existing has and will always be bullshit.
MooMooStone t1_j6s0ffw wrote
True, the age of being "Sceptical" of spherical Earth, entry-level scientific takes and hatred of all things elevated is upon us. Mostly due to to American super-exeptionalism and hyper-individuallity.
We didn't make it as species because everyone was a sovereign citizen.
RGB3x3 t1_j6s7k2q wrote
I've noticed lately that a certain group of people will be skeptical about all the wrong things. They're not skeptical about a company telling them their untested product cures ailments or that clean coal can save the planet.
They're skeptical about massive scientific research and clearly proven facts. And they're skeptical-bordering-on-conspiracy about the mundane and meaningless. Questioning the wrong authority on things they know nothing about.
MooMooStone t1_j6sdd47 wrote
Absolutely, noticed a line they always incorporate, "I do my own research" and then make the most mind-numbing statement.
But also extra funny because my comment is downvoted.
XiphosAletheria t1_j6uervp wrote
Or perhaps they are questioning the authorities that have a track record of openly lying to them, as when, early the pandemic, the experts all said masks weren't very useful against Covid, not because they didn't know better but because supplies of decent masks were limited and they didn't want a run on them.
And you see a lot of lies like that from governments, the establishment, etc. Often their core supporters don't even experience the lies as lies, because the lies aren't meant to fool them. As when then primary-candidate Obama promised blue collar workers he'd tear up NAFTA, while sending messages to the Canadian government assuring them this was just a campaign lie. When it came out, it didn't kill Obama's political fortunes, because his core supporters all knew he was lying any way, to get those low information idiots onboard.
But the penalty for lying repeatedly to people you don't respect is that they eventually start to just assume everything you are saying is a lie. And it seems like a lot of Americans have reached that point with the government and its associated experts.
Wow00woW t1_j6w0oct wrote
I really don't believe that at all. people just didn't want to be inconvenienced. they took any opportunity of confusion and clinged to it. we saw it when the truth about masks was concrete. they still believe masks are ineffective or downright harmful.
also bringing up Obama has nothing to do with this, except that the same obstructionist group of people are just that; petulant children.
XiphosAletheria t1_j6x8i39 wrote
>I really don't believe that at all.
You don't believe that if people are repeatedly lied to, they eventually begin to mistrust those who lied to them? Because that's a basic psychological truth, really.
Lethalclaw115_2 t1_j6ubrnw wrote
Ethic are nothing but sets of rules by which we conduct ourselves so even if self-centered they are still ethics, they are not dead they've changed and from my perspective for the good because selfishness is in the human nature so egoist ethics are closer to the human.
SquiblyWibly t1_j6vd3k7 wrote
Having ethics, as in being ethical, or having no ethics, as in being unethical. Definition of ethical: pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct. Having ethics is to conduct with morality, not having ethics is to conduct without morality. Self-centered is unethical or having no ethics. Your comment is exactly the point of my original post, twist and bastardize whatever you need to in order to justify your opinion.
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