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Emotional_Penalty t1_j9gvec7 wrote

>Maybe I haven’t read enough Epicurean philosophy, but it does seem to me that it’s got a kind of paternalistic naivety regarding poverty you see in a lot of works by rich people which counsel moderation - they’re just sort of assuming the idyllic simple life of the commoners and imagining it must be nice to not have so many demands on your time and resources, without really understanding the experience of poverty or deprivation.

This seems to be my main gripe with people trying to resurrect ancient schools of philosophy to help navigate modern life. They seem to imply that there is some trans-historical (transcendental even) nature of things, while forgetting that Epicurean philosophy was essentially created by someone of unimaginable privilege in the ancient world. As such, it reflects the character of the ancient world and society, and simply applying it 1:1 to modern solutions isn't a very viable solution to problems.


precursormar t1_j9isjnk wrote

That's true of many of the philosophers whose influence has survived from the ancient period to modern day, but not all of them. A couple counterexamples off the top of my head: the Stoic philosopher Epictetus was born into slavery, and the Cynic philosopher Diogenes allegedly spent long stretches of his life variously homeless or enslaved.