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Feynnehrun t1_j9zfl23 wrote

Where will you get the money when there are no jobs?


CegeRoles t1_j9zjr8h wrote

There will always be jobs. Someone has to fix the machines.


Rayqson t1_ja01flf wrote

Just FYI; in Japan they're teaching the robots to self-repair, and I've heard cases of people make robots that fix other robots, essentially creating a perfect loop of redundancy so that no robot will ever be down.

Will there always be jobs? Yes. But the better question is; WILL you get said scarce jobs, if you don't have the right certifications, don't know if it's even worth learning for said jobs if there's just another AI around the corner who can take over your job 20x faster than a human being can, and, if it really ONLY can be a human being; you'd be competing against hundreds of other applicants.

You are going to run out of your money eventually. And government funds can only give out so much to people as joblessness increases.


Feynnehrun t1_ja07l9f wrote

It's not too far fetched to imagine the machines could fix themselves. Additionally, there are far more people needing employment than there would be a need for robot fixers. The same problem would still need a solution.