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NullRad t1_ja6ynrp wrote

There is a 10:1 ratio of bacteria to human cells in any given body. We’re arguably planet ships for colonies of microbiota. The brain/gut neural vector is an example that gives gut microbiota a direct connection to our brains.

Ever have a craving to eat something? Ever want to do chores and end up procrastinating? Ever decide to do anything (or stop doing anything) only to fail?

The microbiota control the body, consciousness is just there for suggestions & future planning so that the microbiota don’t die.


ErisWheel t1_ja9dpvi wrote

Your hunger and thirst sensations are hormonally driven. They don't arise as a result of bacterial activity.

You're making huge sweeping assumptions based on the fact that because the volume of bacteria in the human body is very high, they must "control everything". That's not how our biology works. There's no evidence at all that bacterial function in the body has any sort of causal link to higher-order brain function. Altered states of consciousness can arise as a result of serious infection, but that's not at all the same as bacteria being able to coordinate and "control" what the body does or how the conscious mind acts and reacts.

You'd need a LOT more evidence to even come close to supporting what you're suggesting.


Xavion251 t1_jabpx2s wrote

Actually, bacteria only "make up most of our bodies" if you look at the raw cell-count.

Most bacteria cells are smaller than most human cells, so actually bacteria only make up about 1-3% of us by weight (a few pounds).

...But the "bacteria cells outnumber human cells" is a more provocative statement - so that's the one that gets spread around.


NullRad t1_ja9dxjm wrote

Evidence? I don’t need shit to make a tongue in cheek comment on r/philosophy.


ErisWheel t1_ja9fdlb wrote

"My argument is bad and I don't care/don't believe it anyway."



NullRad t1_ja9fned wrote

How’s throwing ad homonyms & snuck premise at people who don’t care working out for you?


ErisWheel t1_ja9hpir wrote

Do you know what ad hominem means? Because this ain't it.

You said you don't need evidence because you made a "tongue in cheek" comment on r/philosophy. Which seems to suggest either a) you don't think evidence is important for arguments, b) you don't know what tongue in cheek means, or c) you think r/philosophy isn't a place that requires the above, or some combination of all of that.

How's what working out for me? Calling out a bullshit argument? Not all that hard, really. Feel free to provide support if you don't think that's true, but I'm not sure why you're upset that someone doesn't take your point seriously when your justification is "I don't need shit because my comments are flippant and this is r/philosophy".


NullRad t1_ja9i11x wrote

What do you get when you Hitchens a Diogenes? Behold, a chicken.


ErisWheel t1_ja9j5s9 wrote

>when you Hitchens a Diogenes? Behold, a

Cool, man. You've read some ancient philosophy somewhere and mish-mashed it with name-dropping Hitchens for some reason. Good stuff and keep those quips rolling, no matter how nonsensical they may be.

Whatever bone you've got to pick from here on out, the bacteria idea you offered earlier wasn't a good one.


NullRad t1_ja9jdqh wrote

How’s that working out for you… your dopamine bound to winning low risk arguments?