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t1_jay77om wrote

You don't think some of the policies of places like Tavistock are down to political pressure from activists?


t1_jayxon6 wrote

i dont think you have given me any evidence to back up your claim, is my point. you made a very specific statement and you have not provided any direct evidence to support that statement.


t1_jazqat2 wrote

Well my evidence is that Tavistock has been reported as a “conveyor belt to puberty blockers” and high levels of encouragement for surgery, as well as basing these interventions on poor or no research.

My claim was that social and political pressure from trans activists has created an environment where decisions are made not on the best medical information and what is right for an individual, but instead, there is an idiological environment that encourages medical intervention.

Is that not exactly what has been reported?

There is a reluctance by people in this thread to acknowledge that one of the flagship NHS gender practices may be operating in a way that pushes children into hormone and surgery interventions- this is despite thorough investigation by the NHS regulator, independent journalists, and many patients and doctors coming forward.

It looks an awful lot like people have decided that any criticism or anything related to transgender issues or trans activism must be transphobia.

Evidence for you below, or check out any number of articles on Tavistock


t1_jb48i6m wrote

Didn’t fancy replying to my last response?


t1_jb4ygsf wrote

no it's a waste of my time. you couldn't provide even 1 example of what you claimed and that was immediately obvious. bye


t1_jb50l05 wrote

Except I did and you stopped responding


t1_jb6xyaz wrote

i asked you to give me a specific example of what you called a disproportionate amount of influence over policy, and you asked me a question. you did not give me any example. if you can provide me an example to support your statement, we can continue the discussion. you have not done so. i'll respond when you do thanks