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Malinut t1_jb1kb8t wrote

"Science holds all knowledge as tentative and uncertain" is an untrue statement.


ElliElephant OP t1_jb1pknt wrote

How so? That’s kind of one of the core tenents of science, is it not


JakefromStatefarm24 t1_jb2dw1g wrote

I agree with you with about 90% of intent here.

Scientific Information can never truly be proven at it is a subjective of the individual perceiving it. However after enough replications of an instance it can be generally regarded as ‘true’ or ‘proven’ which in this sense means an outcome almost always occurs when set conditions coincide.

the statement you listed is less factual (funny, given the article we’re discussing), and more a healthy mindset based in curiosity.


ElliElephant OP t1_jb2jt6k wrote

I can fully agree with all of that as long as it’s clearly noted that you’re using “proven” as a word in the context of language and not at all as a mathematical statement

Math proofs are either true or not true. There is no almost. I think that distinction is very significant