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skilledroy2016 t1_jb40ib2 wrote

To be honest the movies barely make any sense at all if you have not watched the original series.


[deleted] t1_jb410vb wrote



skilledroy2016 t1_jb42kz9 wrote

AT fields are a metaphor for the emotional barriers we put up between ourselves and others. Barriers that help us feel safe but also prevent us from achieving true intimacy. This ties in to Shinji's arc. There is even an episode of the original series titled "Hedgehogs Dilemma" which is what some philosopher called this dilemma. What the AT fields actually "are" is never really explained but it's also irrelevant to what the show is trying to do and say.


malinoski554 t1_jb4vygo wrote

By "original ending" do you mean the ending of the series, or the movie End of Evangelion which is an expanded/alternative ending to the original series?

Also, I have to disagree that the ending of the quadrology is better. Honestly, I hated the last one.


punchbricks t1_jb52i5t wrote

The movies are not a remake, they are a continuation of the plot. You need to watch the original series l, then End of Evangelion, THEN the RE movie series for the full story


[deleted] t1_jb538jj wrote



lupadim t1_jb6j7qg wrote

There is no point in seeing the "differences" if they are different stories with different events and different endings. There are also strong indications that the rebuild movies take place in a post-instrumentality world, the main one being the many statues scattered around the world.


punchbricks t1_jb58ddm wrote

Again, the movies are not a remake of the series. The events of everything after movie 2 are 100% different and are what lead to the eventual final loop which was the rebuild movies.


[deleted] t1_jb5a0vx wrote



punchbricks t1_jb5alb9 wrote

The fact that you still think the rebuild movies are a retelling and not a continuation of the story says otherwise but that's fine, we can drop it lol


[deleted] t1_jb5e775 wrote



punchbricks t1_jb5fzko wrote

Yes, it is a "retelling" in that the events are different, but the events of the rebuilds could not have happened without Shinji already having completed at least one loop beforehand.

In 3.0+1.0 he sees all the different possibilities that have played out on the "movie screen" during the instrumentality portion of the story. He realizes that even if he stops instrumentality that things will just keep playing out the same way over and over again. He chooses a future in which Evangelion do not exist. The angels do not exist.

The reason this was a big step forward is that even though Shinji is scared of politing Evangelion, it has also become his purpose for existing. In deciding to move forward without them, he is forcibly removing his "reason" for existing.

It is heavily hinted at that both Mari and Kowaru are somehow aware of the loops and have several pieces of dialogue that seem to imply this.