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frnzprf t1_jbjcf6a wrote

> Everything Einstein said is true.

In many programming languages you can write:

while queue.hasValues():

Beginners are often introduced to loops as grammaticallically requiring a comparison, because a comparison is less abstract to think about, then a truth-value. In school you only learn to do math to numbers. That's why they often write this:

while queue.hasValues() == True:

In logical notation you can write one of those:

  • Forall (reverse A) s in Einsteins-statements : s.
  • Forall s in Einsteins-statements: s = T.
  • Big-And (reverse V) Einsteins-statements.

Only the second phrasing has an analogue in natural language - "All Einsteins statements are true." It seems that unlike in mathematical or most(!) programming languages, this kind of sentence requires a comparison in English. "All <set> are <individual-comparator>".

There could be a natural language where you could indeed just say something like "All Einsteins statements." without "are true" and have it make grammatical sense. English just doesn't happen to be that language.

Actually, I have encountered "What he said." as an expression of agreement on Reddit.