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chicliac t1_jblx1x2 wrote

The point with the molecules it that after acknowledgeing the whole emerges from parts you casually say the parts are irrelevant. And now you're ignoring what the guy said of it.


MonteChristo0321 OP t1_jblyamt wrote

Yes, the whole emerges from the parts AND the parts are irrelevant to certain questions.

It's not obvious that would be the case. That's why I wrote a whole paper about it. I want to do a better job of explaining it, but I already put my best effort into the explanations in the paper.


chicliac t1_jbmgd18 wrote

If you're referring to the apples redness analogy, here's my thoughts on it. There's indeed no redness to be found in constituent parts of the apple, but there's still a relevant causal connection between those parts properties and the emergent quality of the whole, the redness. So you can't just disregard that connection because you found no redness at that level, something other than the macro property on the micro level caused the macro property. The parts are demonstrably relevant here. The same is true for the main problem.

I don't think philosophy can just ignore science anymore.