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Shield_Lyger t1_jcfmhsc wrote

I think that the essay is too ambitious. I admire that ambition, especially given that English is not the author's first language, but there is an attempt to pack too much into this, and so, despite its length, it tends to rely on superficial assertions of facts. This results in an interesting contradiction; despite the main thrust of the essay being how many people hold their worldviews uncritically when they should engaged in deeper examination and reflection, the essay itself is uncritical of the myriad assertions it makes, and comes across as cherry-picking from the lengthy history of philosophy and psychology those select quotes that support the points being made, and dismissing all else.

This essay also indulges in the common trope of treating the whole of homo sapiens as if it were some sort of singular hive-mind, rather than a vast collection of individuals who see one another in different lights depending on their own worldviews. In other words, the author routinely refers to "we" to mean humanity writ large, rather than speaking of those people who fit the specific description. Because clearly, the "we" who "are stubbornly refusing to embrace our 'irrational side' and waiting for things to make rational sense" is not the whole of humanity, given the number of people the author quotes in support of their viewpoint.

And there is little point in positing some unenumerated percentage of humanity must go along with some random Substack essay in order to conclude that "we" are now right-thinking and properly cognizant of all of the factors that drive "us." Especially when there seems to be no allowance made for different cultures or circumstances.


derstarkerewille OP t1_jcrrdbt wrote

My article is obviously going to be my interpretation of the world. Sure, there are other possible interpretations as well, but if you read the first paragraph, I have linked articles as to what is considered better interpretations than others. Others cultures and individuals have their own interpretations, but they aren't better than what I have shared there (in fact they are worse than mine)- and if there are, feel free to actually share them.

Vague general claims about why I am wrong, is not useful in the slightest manner. You have made claims about me cherry picking but haven't actually wrote anything to refute my point. So all you have done is make an argument that is entirely baseless, because you didn't even post quotes or evidence of such cherry picking.

I think what you are feeling is also another form of cognitive dissonance, and I can't help you there if you are not willing to actually discuss your points more clearly. You are right that English is not my first language, but at least I have made actual arguments and not beat around the bush. Btw pointing that out is absolutely irrelevant to any of the points being made here. If you don't understand something, speak up and don't mock the author. It comes off as a shameful tactic that almost made me ignore anything else you had to say.