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apriorian t1_iqqhbe6 wrote

I might be. I claim 4 is the answer to 2+2 if you can prove you have a different viewpoint and it is more credible we can move over to the tautological and analytical claims of my theory.

bTw you did not offer a different viewpoint you merely evaded the question .


biedl t1_iqqhioq wrote

I can only repeat what I already said, in hope of you at least trying to understand it.

You are committing yourself to a category error.

Saying that money is a lie and saying that 2+2=5 is a lie are two completely different claims. Only one of them can be evaluated as false.


apriorian t1_iqqisxw wrote

Irrelevant, but you seem intelligent enough to know that already. I did not even preclude the possibility the statement was not a lie, as you also well know but that is what you are evading. I have played these games a 1000 and more times before. I do not care you will not answer questions, atheists never do. Everything they do is based on making sure they are not accountable for anything they say or do.

You can keep playing your games all i am saying i am fully aware of what you are doing, i just do not care.


biedl t1_iqqj3wk wrote

If your method fails a 1000 times, it's likely to be on you, instead of 1000 separate individuals.

It's not irrelevant, for your claim of money and democracy being a lie is mute, as soon as you understand that there is no intrinsic truth to either claim to begin with.

Try me. Ask questions.