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FlamboyantApproval16 t1_irnl435 wrote

The Ship of Theseus Paradox is a very old question that came across my mind after quite a while. "If the parts of a ship are replaced gradually, one by one, such that all of the parts are replaced, is it the same ship now?"

I would like to answer this with another question - Over the course of years, if all the cells in your body are replaced by new cells, are you still you? Here, instead of a ship, we have a person, and instead of parts of the ship, we have cells of the body, that are replaced.

This means that it is the same ship after all...


Ennethkay t1_iroijdf wrote

Here is an idea. Computer software is non-material & functions only when integrated with computer hardware. Similarly, human mental processes are non-material & function only when integrated with physical body "hardware". Hardware of the body is designed to house the software of the spirit.