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apriorian t1_ir4tpp1 wrote

I prefer to understand the moral problem as being one in which morality and duty are incompatible. But in freedom we claim rights and rights cannot exist unless duties are imposed on others. All regulations and laws are duties imposed on us by those with the right.

I agree we cannot have morality without freedom but the barrier to freedom is duty and duty in the way i see it is another mans freedom. A plain example is the duty of the slave is the freedom of the master.


contractualist OP t1_ir4u9wg wrote

I’ll be discussing reason, the authority over freedom, in a later post.

Some people have expressed concern that morality is a restriction on freedom, as if we are slaves. Yet normativity is the exchange of freedom for reasons. Any time there is an “I should” there is a reason that justifies restricting one’s freedom to do otherwise (see Kants hypothetical imperative).

Only when we get to morality do these reasons that restrict freedom take the form of universalizable moral principles (categorical imperative).


TMax01 t1_ir7couu wrote

>Some people have expressed concern that morality is a restriction on freedom, as if we are slaves.

Slaves are not morally bound, they are physically bound. Morality is a restriction on freedom, just not a restriction that prevents transgression.