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TheTrueLordHumungous t1_irfc951 wrote

> > a) if .01% of a system is genuinely rigged, is this statement as a binary True or False: "The system is rigged."

Its false, the tiny minority does not define the overwhelming majority.

> b) if two people answer differently, is one of them correct and the other incorrect, objectively and necessarily?

Yes, one of them is correct and one is incorrect.


ApprehensiveTry5660 t1_irfn8fv wrote

By your standards, are pride bars not pride bars if hetero individuals (who represent a much larger portion of the population already) frequent them at a high enough rate to be the majority?

A system can be defined just as much by a featured minority. A system that allows even 1/100 drugs to make it through erroneously because you bribed the right combination of senators and researchers seems rather fair to label rigged. Sure, there’s a functioning system along side of it, but there exists a mechanism for avoiding its rigors and it has been exploited rather openly and documented in court cases with opioids most famously.


TheTrueLordHumungous t1_irgg8ed wrote

> there exists a mechanism for avoiding its rigors and it has been exploited rather openly and documented in court cases with opioids most famously

How were the clinical trials for opioid pain killers exploited? Are opioid pain killers not effective for reducing pain?


ApprehensiveTry5660 t1_irhsg56 wrote

They obfuscated the risk of addiction throughout the 90’s. Medical literature describes the tolerance to addiction cycle in these drugs as early as the 50’s, it isn’t like it was unknown. When faced with the sharp rise in Opioid deaths post 2000 they convened a panel of experts in 2002, early enough to reign in the off label prescriptions, the panel of 10 experts they brought in had 8 members with significant financial ties to Purdue Pharmaceutical. It wouldn’t be until 2013 before any serious steps were taken, at which point there were enough pills on the market to give every adult in the United States a full bottle.

They were able to prescribe off-label, over produce, and flood both forward facing and black markets for over a decade before any meaningful action was taken. Yes, they absolutely work. They were just way more addictive than the FDA was willing to regulate, and often even recognize.


iiioiia t1_irfdlqx wrote

>> a) if .01% of a system is genuinely rigged, is this statement as a binary True or False: "The system is rigged." > > > > Its false, the tiny minority does not define the overwhelming majority.

If you bought a product that says "Pure Product A" on the label, but it is not in fact composed of 100% Product A but instead also contains .01% of a carcinogenic substance, would you consider the label to be objectively accurate (aka: True):

a) considering the "fact" that the tiny minority does not define the overwhelming majority?

b) considering that "the tiny minority does not define the overwhelming majority" may not actually be factual?


TheTrueLordHumungous t1_irgfvqz wrote

> would you consider the label to be objectively accurate (aka: True):

Yes I would consider the label objectively true assuming it fell within the bounds of some purity standard.


iiioiia t1_irizc8w wrote

>Yes I would consider the label objectively true assuming it fell within the bounds of some purity standard.

The purity standard is what was stated on the label: 100%.


VitriolicViolet t1_irgmgcl wrote

so in other words you might.

the fact you had to qualify it means you were wrong.


TheTrueLordHumungous t1_irgmrxz wrote

I don’t understand the point of this pedantic argument.


iiioiia t1_irizgjb wrote

They are useful for identifying the limits of instances of human consciousness, at least. With an adequate sample size, it can also be used to develop an algorithm for how the human mind will behave when it is put into certain situations, what forms of rhetoric and memes it will grasp for when it finds the ground it was standing on no longer (or doesn't actually) exists, etc.