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blastuponsometerries t1_is7i52h wrote

>Solar, wind, geothermal, and hydro-electric are not really feasible means of space travel

So what % of greenhouse gases are from space travel? Is that what you think we are trying to solve here? Just make everything solar for fun?

If you want to make chemical rockets "green" the propellant can be made from bio-fuels that don't add total CO2 to the atmosphere. But given that it is in the 1-2% range for the entire world, its pretty low on the priority list.

If you want to look at a 100 year timescale, green tech for the grid is inevitable. Its just so much cheaper to produce than fossil fuels. The next generation will look back in shock that we allowed our world politics to be dictated by such a messy and inefficient supply chain, all while obvious alternatives were available.


CloudiusWhite t1_is7lcv1 wrote

We have the power to work on both at once, denying one in the hope that magical fusion tech will just happen with the tiny amount of research being done today is just pointless and only holds up back in the greater scale.

Green is fine, but nuclear isnt the evil people make it out to be and we should be working on both of them.