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-VILN- t1_isrpbpa wrote

Capitalism has forced a way of life onto us that isn't compatible with the animals that we are. We are no different from a squirrel or a moose except that other humans have created systems on top of systems that do nothing but grind us up for their monetary gain. We are forced daily to participate in these systems because we're constantly forced to compare ourselves, our material wealth, our beauty all the while capitalism is what's defining those terms. Even the very idea that some of us are non conformist is literally just another controlled outlet. They've taken everything.


SilkTouchm t1_ist7am3 wrote

You're not forced to participate in the system. You can move to the wilderness and live exactly like a moose or squirrel would do.


-VILN- t1_istalmk wrote

No I can't. The land is owned as much as land can be owned.


SilkTouchm t1_istf26a wrote

Who cares? you think someone is going to go to the Amazon/the middle of nowhere in Canada and tell you to stop living there? You're just making excuses. Fulfill your dreams.