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Physical-Lab-4396 t1_itolmwr wrote

should we satisfy our desire? Yes, it's justified

Note that "desire" here is in a narrow and neutral sense, like more delicious food, more money, not the scope that more killing or salves.

Nowadays, people often complains that "Life sucks, I'd rather like to be a primitive". Just like Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi mentioned in his book Flow,

When Cyrus the Great had ten thousand cooks prepare new dishes for his table, the rest of Persia had barely enough to eat. These days every household in the “first world” has access to the recipes of the most diverse lands and can duplicate the feasts of past emperors. But does this make us more satisfied?

It seems that satisfying ours desire hasn't made us happy, so what't your argument onto this one? Should we satisfy our desire? My argument as follows to this is positive.

To answer this question better, let us presume that the only goal of our life is to get more happiness. But what is happiness? It's hard for me to define to meke all of us accepts it and that's also unnecessary. Like many democracy, There are many concepts that we couldn't make a perfect defination, but it won't hind us from discussing such topics. Just like [elephant test], It's hard to explain but you know it when you feel it. Since the goal of our life is to be happy, thus, if satisfying desire can bring us happiness, then, we should satisfy our desire, vice versa. Hence, the question here is that whether satisfying desire can bring us happiness?

Obviously, that is not a simple question, but we have a good way to seek the answer. Probably lots of people would accept the view that modern life is the result that human losing themselves in satisfying their desire like more food, more safety, faster transportation and so on, so we have the Agricultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution and the current life. This argument is just like Yuval Noah Harari has stated in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and he even argues that the Agricultural Revolution is the biggest fraud in history. Therefore, if we want to know whether we should satisfy desire or not, we just need to look at the two kind of life, the modern one and the primitive one. The one appeals us most wins and will be our answer. Of course, it's impossible for us to reach a perfect agreement, there always will be majority and minority, and the choice of majority is not always the truth, too. But out of the conviction and respect to the democracy and human reason, I argue that if the majority prefer the modern life, then it will be feasible for us to satisfy our desires.

So, here comes the key question, which life style do we prefer? The modern one or the primitive one? I think that most of us prefer the former. We don't want to sleep on a tree or in a cave, neither the fight with wild animal nor the fear of being eaten. That's right, I haven't surveyed everyone on earth, but if I was wrong, as the primitive life is more attractive, then why only a few people choose to live in the jungle or the wild island, people in New York obviously can afford the flying tickets. In fact, when people do choose to live like a primitive, they just do it for fun, they won't persist years after years. Some may argue that, we are adopted to the modern life, so it inappropriate for us to decide which one is better, it is just like asking a addict if he wants more weed and LSD. All right, let the primitive choose. In fact, the dice is already rolled, they choose to "give in" the desire, so you see this post on Reddit today. They may still argue that the primitive are shortsighted, if they can see the negative outcome caused by satisfying the desire in long run, they may probably choose another road. I have to admit that this is a strong rebuttal, but I have two replies want to make. First, we don't have the ability to foresee things in thousands years or even dozens years. Secondly, if they have a time-machine and they just see the modern life, then why is it impossible that they would hate the initial choice? They may be totally attracted, too!

So far, we have proved that the modern life is more preferable than the primitive life, thus we have proved indirectly that satisfying our desire is justified.

BTW, I also analysed why some people always complain about the modern life in this blog post, if you are interested, please go ahead. The post is written in Chinese and you can read it with a translator like Google.

BBTW, I am a Chinese senior student who is about to get a bachelor's degree of business management in 2023 and I want to study philosophy(especially the political one) abroad like a international student for one year in 2023 or 2024. So I'd appreciate that if anyone can help me with that goal, you can contact me here or Via the e-mail.
