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SovArya t1_itq87oj wrote

I don't mind. I think religion is not wrong if it teaches us to be accountable.

I see nothing wrong with believing in a God also based on the above.

It also aligns with the idea of free will.

Think of it this way, if you do something and it is good according to your observations, and if you don't stop it; then who ever controls you; is doing good thru you.

And if doing bad, you stop that, then you exercise free will.

Of course this will depend on your perception.

As for the idea of creation, I honestly don't know, but there must be a source. And I'd like to think, I think I've been influenced by reflexivity that, God is that which nothing is greater.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itq8zv1 wrote

I don't think that knowing the future denies the will of humans. I think that God knows the future, but doesn't want to manipulate people and so he allows humans to be free. Even though he knows what Is going to happen, he writes human characters to be free. So, if God wrote a book in which humans are included, he would have wrote, in simple terms: "And so this day X person was born. Leaves empty space in which X can write"


SovArya t1_itqa6wc wrote

Some interpret God to be like man. I think this to be wrong.

If God is that which nothing is greater then; such being I can't understand. I can only appreciate what I see and feel and express the free will.

Also believing in that definition; I fear such a being. Simply because said being can do what It will; and I have no say.

A simple example would be, if I am to dumb it down to something I can understand. If an author writes a story, does the written characters have a say?

As for the Bible or holy texts, whether they are factual, I honestly love them for the idea of accountability.

Because of my belief that nothing is 100% certain or knowable; I can't say its not written by people influenced by such a power.

The idea of hope - to be saved; the nearest thing I hold unto this is a saying by Marcus Aurelius and that is - this too shall pass.

If I am to liken myself to characters in the Bible, I honestly feel that - we should be in awe, frightened if such a being exists, and exercise that free will and enjoy the time we are here.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itqagng wrote

I think that the idea of God living on the clouds can be used in art and it's also a cool artistical concept, but that we shouldnt believe that Heaven Is like that: the idea of gods living in the sky comes from the olympian greek mythology, if i am not wrong.


SovArya t1_itqb1v4 wrote

You're not wrong. There has been similarities in the stories. It's like there is a template and has been spread and based on the current readers; they make it their own.

As we are able to think critically, comes progress. Exercise of imagination and the like. And the base format of that is in the stories.

Familiar with the heroes journey?


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itqb7xe wrote

No, what Is "the hero's journey"?


SovArya t1_itqbg0i wrote

It's the common template of most stories.

Hero is at his place of origin. Evil comes and hardship happens. Hero has to leave home and overcome trials. From those trial, he applies what he learns to beat the evil; when evil is broken, he then can return home a changed man/woman.

Most stories are like that. Imagine star wars 4-6. Or lord of the rings 1-3. Pendragon. King Arthur. Most myths in one way have this formula.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itqbw5k wrote

This story creates a cool concept: we can't pretend to be good if we have never fought evil. And i also dislike the concept that being a good person means NOT doing bad, rather than doing good.


SovArya t1_itqcdmw wrote

Yes, not doing bad is the way. Not doing is the exercise. As we did the thought experiment. It is not easy. It's hard. Haha


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itqcnsj wrote

We realized that the lack of free will is an illusion the mind of the soul creates to explain the limited brain in the limited body.


SovArya t1_itqdj98 wrote

My guess is we simply didn't have the capacity to disprove it before. Now we have experiments capable of checking the chemicals in the brain.

The chemicals makes us do stuff. And stopping that is not automatic.

So the process will be don't move, think before you do. Think before you do.


MaxTheAlmighty t1_itqe1r1 wrote

We should accept that we don't have full control on our brain. Maybe God created us this way because It was needed to. Maybe the human mind is just very weak and has difficulty controlling the brain and istincts like anxiety or mosquito hate, but very strong compared to the animal mind (the animal soul probably isn't real).


SovArya t1_itqegbq wrote

I think you're not wrong. I also think we can't really function if somethings are not automatic. That's why it's really hard to make a synthetic lifeform.