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J_0wn3d t1_iv2den3 wrote

Looking at pandas actually doesn’t bring me happiness and I would definitely pick killing all pandas.

Pandas are possibly not essential. This point is one I’m not fully sure about, but pandas don’t seem to contribute much to the environment and per the thought experiment we’re assuming they do nothing. Also, pandas are kind of contributing to their own endangered status. Pandas do not eat the correct food, as their digestive system is geared towards carnivorous consumption, yet exclusively eat bamboo. It actually provides such a lesser amount of nutrition for them that they expend most of their energy in a day foraging for it. They have little to no interest in reproduction as they even have trouble finding the capacity to do it when shown imagery of pandas reproducing. I find it difficult to kill even one human who probably has things they care about as opposed to theoretically extinguishing a population of animals that don’t seem to care about continuing their own survival.