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iiioiia t1_ivfrzqq wrote

> OK. I claim the success of the hard sciences and engineering are the proof of the scientific method.

No moving of the goalposts please.

The established point of contention is this:

>> I think Science is flawless here.

> Can you expand on this a bit?

>> So, you disregard any evidence that does not support your beliefs?

> Yes.

Usually people don't admit such flaws in such a straightforward manner, thanks for your honesty.

> Do you believe that all the behavior of any Scientist counts in the evaluation of Science in its idealized form?

Not in its idealized form....that this is how so many scientific materialists like to represent science (as opposed to its true nature) is but one part of what makes me suspicious of it as an institution that holds so much power in out culture.

> I propose the "idealized form", while leaving some room for ambiguity, is sufficiently preached in many texts that it have meaningful reference.
