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Flymsi t1_ix3184k wrote

Yes we do.

Being able to do what i want beween waking up and sleeping is not my definition of freedom. "Wanting" itself can be free or not free. Just look at our current advertisment. It is eager to create desires. And it is succesfull in creating illusions of what we "want". So we need to be able to differentiate between the those " wants"


helpmemakeausername1 t1_ix3qxro wrote

Exactly! We're always under the constant influence of social programming. It's like our lives have kinda been designed already, in a way. Not in the destiny and fate way, but yeah.


VitriolicViolet t1_ix5h5nd wrote

>So we need to be able to differentiate between the those " wants"

fairly easy frankly, maybe not for all but for some.

all i want is land somewhere so i can avoid society as much as humanly possible, ads do not and can not work on someone who refuses to buy or own anything (31 with 3k in total possessions and i buy solely on price per volume/weight).

its a shame most people need to fit in and be like the rest (more people need to know themselves and what they actually want, i do agree)


Flymsi t1_ix76j4e wrote

You can't expect everyone to be as solitary as you wish to you, nor can't you expect everyone to know themselves. We are a species that evolved through cooperation and continues to need to cooperate with each other.

Our whole culture is based on hegemonic power structures. We are way too far from establishing something else in our ways of thinking and in our culture (if that is even possible). What we currently can do is to question the hegemonic opinion more often than before.

Advertisements do work on most people, since they are constructed to work on most people (our knowledge on psychology is scary!). Lucky you, that you are beyond consumerism. But think of the children and how many are taught to "not be consumers"

It is a shame that some people think that the "need to fit in" is the root of evil here. The contrarian position of the "need to be solitary" can be just as evil. Both needs are not evil themselves. It depends on how they are used and in what harmony they are used together. I am certain that we need this need to fit, so that humankind has an inclination of cooperation instead of an inclination of isolation. A general tendency towards trust to others is what made humankind humankind. Never forget that.