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[deleted] t1_ix9g1eb wrote

Hey guys- I’m wondering if anyone knows of specific write-ups or current philosophers discussing western society’s aversion to openly embracing the darker themes in life and mortality. For example, I’ve been trying to date. I’m in my thirties, no spring chicken, and I keep running into the phenomena of people who claim to still be unsure of future plans for children. This strikes me as odd because shouldn’t people be aware at this age there isn’t a whole lot of time to deliberate on something like that? So, it’s not that I want to read something specifically discussing that (although would be interested!) but more so it had me thinking about what philosophy minded individuals have to say about what may be considered arrested development in the modern age/ has anyone with far more credentials than I observed a similar pervasive attitude in the modern world of being unwilling to face the darker realities of mortality and integrating that?

(Note, the focus being on commentary that was made within the last 10-15 years. There are definitely the classics who address things of this nature, but I’m intrigued by what people say in the modern context.)


Capital_Net_6438 t1_ixh4e3c wrote

I would say this is not something self-described philosophers would think of as coming in their wheelhouse. It seems like the intersection of psychology/sociology something like that.

It’s an interesting subject no doubt. Just not particularly philosophy.