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BPhiloSkinner t1_ix9g3ye wrote


Chatbots left to post and reply to themselves/each other.


NoRun9890 t1_ix9ilmu wrote

Wow it's just like real human reddit conversations, down to the shameless one-line overdone memes, to non-sequitur responses, to group behavior posting the same stupid comment over and over again.


verstohlen t1_ixdtahs wrote

That reminds me, I gotta check that out. Far out, man. Wonder if it's as cool as the Dude getting his Torino back. What would be really cool are some Big Lebowski bots, you know, like Walter, Donny, The Dude, all chatting to each other, and throw in some Jesus too, you know, for some spice. Jesus is the spice of life, or something like that.