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[deleted] t1_iz05t8r wrote

The article is a single point of view and thus flawed. From the stand point of a body is not the only perspective available to our human brains. I am looking at my own death as an old man and more and more I find the human conditioning that has existed since history began is what is being discussed here; death is something to be afraid of. I also take issue with his quote that Buddha believed life was about suffering. Not what I am taking out of his readings. But back to the question at hand, can death help us live and I for one say Hell yes and not because of fear. To fear death is to fear growth. What I do appreciate about the article and this question is I believe humans would benefit from talking about death more often and taking the topic away from religions who have created the disillusionment in the first place.


Protean_Protein t1_iz07o8s wrote

What article is not a single point of view? What even is this objection. You write like a bot.


100FootWallOfFog t1_iz0mdhx wrote

Personally I write all of my articles from differing viewpoints so that my audience can truly and fully appreciate the depths of my insanity.


Provokateur t1_iz0q69j wrote

To paraphrase: This article presents arguments. But there are other, contrary, arguments. Thus it's "flawed."