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alkane_lol t1_izy55fe wrote

Does there exist a theory that states that evolution and natural selection are not only biological phenomenons but properties of any system that results in change? Like I’m having a hard time wording it but is there work discussing how in a dynamic system where outcomes compete until the best outcome becomes the most likely outcome? The best examples I can think of are the market and technological development, where companies and technologies compete until the best or most successful ones become dominant. I’m interested in the metaphysical aspects and dynamic systems and the processes that underlie them.


Important-Event-4898 t1_izyjulj wrote

Not sure if this helps but I remember Simone de Beauvoir saying that biology was not essential in explaining “woman”. Whilst that first part of the novel is pretty hard to read it’s possible that she discusses it. That being said are you trying to argue that natural selection can increase the probability of survival?


alkane_lol t1_izyx9l9 wrote

No what Im trying to argue is that the idea of natural selection is not unique to the biological definition and can be generalized to all systems that are dynamic and create their own outcomes.


Important-Event-4898 t1_izzcidz wrote

So sorta like - natural selection in the work place only the strongest get to high positions or something like that?


Important-Event-4898 t1_izzcrie wrote

I don’t know if there are too many biology philosophers but you’d be best off looking at analytical philosophy and maybe philosophers who evaluate Charles Darwin. Hope this has helped


GrandStudio t1_j05043n wrote

Daniel Dennett's "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" covers this ground pretty thoroughly, arguing that evolution, science, and many human systems (progress in general) progress as negative selection mechanisms, weeding out failure rather than marching toward any particular end.