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dmarchall491 t1_j0p6vjb wrote

We can also just ask chatGPT to write what it thinks Plato would have argued:

> It is difficult to say for certain how Plato would argue for the use of AI in schools, as he lived over 2,000 years ago and did not have the benefit of modern technology. However, based on his philosophical writings, it is possible to speculate on how he might approach the subject. > > Plato was a strong believer in the power of education and the importance of seeking truth and knowledge. In his dialogue "The Republic," he outlines his vision for an ideal society, in which the education of young people is a central concern. He emphasizes the importance of teaching students to think critically and independently, and to develop their mental and moral capacities to the fullest. > > Given this focus on education and the cultivation of wisdom and virtue, it is likely that Plato would see the potential for AI to enhance and support the learning process. For example, he might argue that AI can be used to provide personalized and tailored instruction to students, helping them to progress at their own pace and to better understand the material they are learning. AI could also be used to provide a greater variety of educational resources and opportunities, allowing students to explore different subjects and areas of interest more deeply. > > Additionally, Plato might see the use of AI as a way to help students develop important skills for the future, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and adaptability. These skills are likely to be increasingly important in the rapidly changing world of the 21st century, and the use of AI could provide students with valuable experience and practice in using these skills. > > Overall, while it is impossible to say with certainty how Plato would view the use of AI in schools, it is likely that he would see it as a valuable tool for supporting and enhancing the learning and development of young people. > -- written by chatGPT