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noonemustknowmysecre t1_j0y9me8 wrote

> give a sort of minimum wage visa to anyone willing to work, and then hire them.

RIGHT. And we DO 2 parts of your 3 part plan already. Read up on H-2A visas. H-1Bs essentially too. Are you not listening to me? When we do these two parts of your plan, what we get is what we have. Right here and right now. Meat-packers and hotels simply go get someone cheaper.


CovfefeForAll t1_j10ghes wrote

>Meat-packers and hotels simply go get someone cheaper.

And that won't happen if they start getting punished for hiring illegally. Which was part one.


noonemustknowmysecre t1_j10mtuj wrote

Agreed. Your 3 part plan was really just one thing. And "When everyone is paid more, they hire illegal workers for less" is still true. And "The idea is to legitimize them and regulate the wages they need to be paid so that EVERYONE is paid more." Is still kinda bullshitty and won't work. We're kinda going in circles at this point.