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GameMusic t1_j101fhs wrote

I will great that his defense of caveats was poor but the rest has value

‘Genuine’ authoritarians. ‘Actual’ libertarians. ‘True’ Anarchists. They forego entire movements and ideologies if it doesn’t meet their own self-crafted definitions.

His usage is compatible with the early usage of those words

Any political language is incredibly propagandized and you always have to balance the challenges of creating different words or redefinition from the popular usage

The fact is nothing can be said in politics or philosophy without either creating local definition within your work or assuming your audience shares your personal language

People who avoid this often have propagandistic motives

In popular usage most political words mean everything and nothing


NoYgrittesOlly t1_j102afa wrote

> Any political language is incredibly propagandized and you always have to balance the challenges of creating different words or redefinition from the popular usage

>The fact is nothing can be said in politics or philosophy without either creating local definition within your work or assuming your audience shares your personal language

That’s fair. While I do disagree on your first point, that may also be a difference in our personal language, and how we define value. If nothing else, I suppose it did at least lead to this discourse.