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Usernametaken112 t1_j1zvypk wrote

I'm not advocating for anarchy or greed. I'm merely speaking on why people aren't incentivized to treat others with equality 24/7.


iceyed913 t1_j20ofx6 wrote

In and of itself randomized outcomes to similar situations do provide equality. It is not much of a comfort on an individual level however


swarthybangaa t1_j20ozpx wrote

The balance of probabilities makes some more equal than others, therein lies the problem we're forced to accept


ShalmaneserIII t1_j21pswg wrote

There's one obvious example of why. Does it hurt more to break your leg, or see someone you love break a leg, or to see a random stranger break a leg?

How you rank those is going to determine your views on equality.