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Whiplash17488 t1_j25ytcy wrote

I agree with the premise and conclusion.

It already happened. Unconcious bias for facial recognition software to have a higher probability in recognizing white faces over black and brown and asian faces.

The error was in the sample data used to do machine learning.

No intentional evil was done. And the AI itself can’g be “blamed” for drawing conclusions based on what its taught. An AI can only ever conclude what it thinks is good. Just like in Arendt’s argument.


thewimsey t1_j26m0pd wrote

That's not Arendt's actual argument.

Eichmann knew what he was doing, and that it was bad. He just didn't care because he subordinated that to other goals.

An algorithm can't be evil. It can just be a bad algorithm. You might as well say that a sticking speedometer that causes you to speed is evil.