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monsantobreath t1_j279pwv wrote

Why would you bring death camps in at all then? I feel like you're back peddling and trying to not act like you are.


SanctusSalieri t1_j27du3i wrote

Because death camps are the most notable feature of the Nazi regime.


monsantobreath t1_j298mr4 wrote

This is circular. You had a bad take and that's that.


SanctusSalieri t1_j29dyp4 wrote

Yeah, you asked the same question and the answer has not changed. What do you expect? There's no bad take in saying that death camps are relevant to any discussion of Eichmann and the most notable feature of the Nazi regime. I genuinely don't understand what your issue is, your entire behavior here is inscrutable.


monsantobreath t1_j2fm2mz wrote

It's actually not a good take to suggest that in discussing Nazism you can invalidate someone's comparison by saying "but there are no death caps".

It's ridiculous really. It reduces such a broad systemic evil into a single point and makes drawing any parallels impossible because it's not 1941 in eastern Europe.