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WebFront t1_j37fazk wrote

I really struggle to understand what consciousness is supposed to be. Panpsychism has the same ring to me as "consciousness is an illusion". And both mean nothing to me. Except of course I think I am conscious 🤔? if 2 people swap concuisnesses what would change about them? I'd say nothing. It seems to be just a brain function that allows for us to self-relate (which makes sense if your survival is based on building models that explain the past and predict the future in relation to yourself).


MandelbrotFace t1_j37sgmi wrote

That's exactly what I've thought about the swapping consciousnesses ... It's not like you can be 2 consciousnesses to compare in the same body; in the switch there would be no difference. This makes me question exactly what it is!

Part of me thinks it's only a phenomenon of the physical brain but then I think what if something could be perfectly duplicated down to the most fundamental sub atomic level. Duplicate an inanimate object and we have no problem with the idea that the duplicate is in every way identical to the original. Duplicate a person and what becomes of the consciousness? I would think they would be separate and diverge from that point of duplication, with the duplicate having all the memories etc of the original, and also assuming they are the original. But they would be separate. Maybe consciousness is inherent to instances of matter itself and linked in some hidden way like time is to space. I mean... I'm waffling now, but it's mind boggling to think about