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raintree234 t1_j37h2g2 wrote

I’ve had this thought related to race. If I was born a different race, I’m sure (or am I sure?) my life would be different.


MandelbrotFace t1_j37pyqq wrote

Your life would definitely be different ... But would it even be you at all? Would your internal thoughts and preferences, even intelligence be the same as they are now? Really interesting to think about.


raintree234 t1_j38iqhd wrote

First of all, this makes my mind hurt a little...!

But then come thoughts of destiny, am I/was I destined to be who I am?

Or the old science fiction time travel premise of being the "same person" but in a different time and place.

I also think about these things when I vacation. I ponder what it would be like if I had grown up in this place. Granted, I am typically in a pleasant location. I rarely have these thoughts when in the "bad part of town" :)