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thune123 t1_j3xnvza wrote

You sound like you need some art in your life. Or just interaction with humans. You don't really seem to grasp what's going on in the world and how people are. You act like only art has the duality of being good and evil.


HotpieTargaryen t1_j3xopra wrote

I have plenty of art in my life. You sound like you need some empathy, but it’s the internet so I won’t judge. Let’s just go on about our respective lives.


thune123 t1_j3xw66y wrote

It's actually quite humorous that you would bring empathy into this. I assure you, you are the one working with less of it. Just so you don't pat yourself on the back for giving out empathy to the "right people", I am not speaking on exclusively having empathy for the bad actors. I am speaking about having empathy for everyone. But this is a concept lost on people like you because I know you think only people on your side of the street deserve it.

Good day sir.


HotpieTargaryen t1_j3y0dc9 wrote

You need to take a long hard look in a mirror. Good day to you as well.