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EducatorBig6648 t1_j46djpb wrote

False, nothing is ever "needed" since "need/necessity" is a myth. The drowning man does not "need" to avoid becoming a drowned corpse anymore than the drowned corpse "needs" to avoid becoming a drowning man... or becoming a time traveling unicorn with cybernetic wings.


ibnQoheleth t1_j47458i wrote

You've voiced this view a few times on this post, what are you trying to achieve here? I'm not sure I understand what position you're trying to put forward, or if you're simply trying to provoke.


EducatorBig6648 t1_j475sy8 wrote

(sigh) What difference does it make what "my position" is or if if I'm "trying to put it forward"? The question is is what I'm saying logical and can you logically argue what I'm saying with me, yes?

I'm trying to provoke THOUGHT. What is wrong with you humans?

EDIT: In other words: Philosophy used to be about questioning things, is it the opposite here on reddit?


[deleted] t1_j478j1n wrote



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gooner_by_heart t1_j46drms wrote

You're saying we are doomed anyway?


EducatorBig6648 t1_j46evd4 wrote

Not at all, it has nothing to do with being doomed. It's a simple question of what's real and what's myth. Horse and pegasus. That also helps us navigate life better; the truth, that is.


gooner_by_heart t1_j46g3o1 wrote

Maybe need by itself is a myth. But if you want to do something, you need to do something. The drowning man needs to try and save himself if he wants to live.


EducatorBig6648 t1_j46gwg6 wrote

No, there is no "if" that can make "necessity/need/needing" non-myth. My desire to make apple pie does not magically create the "necessity" of apples existing or the "necessity" of me finding any apples (whether they exist or, say, somehow ceased to exist). "Necessity" exists only in the imagination.

EDIT: Obviously, the same goes for if I'm dying of cancer within a month and desire a cure or dying of thirst in the middle of the Sahara and desire Mountain Dew.


EducatorBig6648 t1_j46fwd4 wrote

I would not disagree with moral principles being essential for our inner peace i.e. the stance "We cannot have inner peace without moral principles" as I see no way to disprove it... without some grand global social experimentation. :-)