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Krasmaniandevil t1_j5qqfr8 wrote

Easier said than done. Who pays for the medical care of people injured by a defective product? The inventor, the manufacturer, or the salesman? Maybe all of them? Maybe someone else? If it's one or more individual, there probably won't be enough money to give all the victims the medical care they need and deserve.

The (main) point of a corporation is to consolidate the risks in one entity, the one who paid those people's salaries and directly profited from the product. In some situations the individuals can be personally responsible too, but that's generally very difficult to establish under the law.


CoderDispose t1_j5qubqw wrote

> The inventor, the manufacturer, or the salesman?

Even more importantly, let's say it's the manufacturer. The problem occurred because a software test fail was not noticed. Who's fault is it then? The developer who wrote the bug? What about the people who did the code review? Maybe the tester who didn't bring it up after the fact? etc. etc. etc.


frank_prajna t1_j5qy1qq wrote

Whoever made the decision to sell the product before it was ready.

No one in the line making the product is responsible, no one inventing or selling is responsible... we don't have a system where they're the ones bringing it to market.

CEO's get the big bucks, why do they get protections for not doing their job?


Krasmaniandevil t1_j5r00q2 wrote

Our system is not designed the way you think it should be. There's some variability between different countries, but for the most part every nation adheres to the principles I've outlined. At this point, all I can do is tell you to go to law school or audit torts and corporations so you can raise these points with subject matter experts.


frank_prajna t1_j5r1x8v wrote

You understand laws can be changed?

These will seem like atrocious notions one day.
