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artunitinc t1_j7n4vxy wrote


theveryrealreal t1_j7n73ls wrote

Looks cool now but in 20 dog years you'll get a law suit from that dog that's embarrassed that everyone saw his tongue.


RealFakeTshirts t1_j7oby9z wrote

I did not know there’s a law suit from that kid. Poor thing


carrot-parent t1_j7oflgs wrote

Nah, not at all. He only opened the law suit AFTER he milked it for all the money/fame he could get.


RealFakeTshirts t1_j7qj28m wrote

Wow. Seems like I could’ve have used those sympathy for a puppy or something, what a waste.


Specific-Layer t1_j7pkxw1 wrote

His whole thing in his adult life was telling everyone he was the Nirvana baby... He's the one that told everyone lol.

It's not like if I saw him as an adult I'd know he was the Nirvana baby unless he told me..


Insomnialcoholic t1_j7pvvm6 wrote

Dave Grohl said it best. "He has a giant Nirvana tattoo across his chest, I dont even have a Nirvana tattoo."


RealFakeTshirts t1_j7qj5r3 wrote

That sounds like a win win solution for me! Well, for him, to be more accurate.


Meranio t1_j7osvg5 wrote

That's the first thing, that came to my mind, when I saw the picture. Happy Cakeday.


Zkenny13 t1_j7qg0oy wrote

I wanted the baby's penis to be replaced by the dogs face.

I meant that in a none creepy way but I don't know if I can make it sound like it.