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[deleted] t1_j7nf2v9 wrote



ApiContraption t1_j7nf2w8 wrote

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ZakTSK t1_j7ng70y wrote

Surprisingly the balloon contains less air.


PHATstuFF21 t1_j7ngvqz wrote

Her head and that balloon are filled with the same material.


Rocket3431 t1_j7qn667 wrote

I really wish you would stop using MTG in place of this woman's name. MTG (MAGIC THE GATHERING) has been through alot the last couple years and bad as it is, doesn't deserve to share a name with this absolute lunatic.

Edit: moved under this post.


amorosky OP t1_j7qoybm wrote

I’m not familiar with that but I’ll try to avoid commenting on this individual in the future, period. She’s just toxic.