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ApiContraption t1_j8ewbts wrote

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frecklesthemagician t1_j8f5a80 wrote

This is so dystopian-looking.


EskildDood t1_j8f67ix wrote

All their smiles look incredibly fake, and the lighting sure doesn't help, they look like evil corporate overlords


wolfchaldo t1_j8grrgc wrote

What moron decided lighting up the speakers like a dad telling a spooky story with a flashlight was a good podium design?


LordVisceral t1_j8febj7 wrote

They look like a movie depicting an evil cabal or monsters revealing a new dangerous product to the market that's going to eat you inside out or turn you into a fat gullible horde vis-a-vis leviathans in supernatural.


theveryrealreal t1_j8fbwad wrote

Urine samples and one in back is stool sample - you're welcome.


cinemachick t1_j8g5jve wrote

This reminds me so much of picking a starter Pokemon...


DuckZnDragonZ t1_j8ig5hq wrote

I was hoping to see someone photoshop them carbonite frozen.