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HunkyMump t1_j8nhqlo wrote

from the title I was expecting a Goat .se adaptation. I changed that link so that it doesn't go the website because it's NSFW, but feel free to go there if it's still


Capn_Matt t1_j8nk6ba wrote

If it's the goatse of old (a big ol' anus being stretched open) then yeah, that's what I was aiming for on a much larger scale, hence the play on words. Maybe everything just looks like a butthole to me. Maybe I should speak to someone about that.


HunkyMump t1_j8nm4po wrote

Just don’t speak to anyone on the internet… lol.


ywBBxNqW t1_j8nzmx0 wrote

FYI even though you put a space before the . Reddit still makes it a hyperlink. If you want to make sure it doesn't resolve you can put it between backticks.