Submitted by Stardustchaser t3_11rup5b in photoshopbattles
SligPants t1_jcbopw1 wrote
Govt-Issue-SexRobot t1_jcbtn43 wrote
Good job, penis breath
BoomhauerYaNow t1_jcc03m9 wrote
Be good.
Unicorndog_0625 t1_jcckunk wrote
*stifling laughter “Elliott!!”
ilickrocks t1_jcbxnkg wrote
LOL this one got me
AlGoreRhythm_ t1_jcd3f6t wrote
Sid from Ice Age, is that you?
ErikTh3Barbaric t1_jcczh9d wrote
That glare looks just like teeth, perfection.
[deleted] t1_jcde73m wrote
Thezza-D t1_jcdppnp wrote
Ok you win lmfao
mybloodismaplesyrup t1_jcgbvfj wrote
I knew someone else was thinking it.
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