Submitted by backend_of_forever t3_11sga7o in photoshopbattles
[deleted] t1_jcdl099 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcdliuf wrote
ApiContraption t1_jcdlivm wrote
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[deleted] t1_jcdufca wrote
ChefMacaroni t1_jcdw1s6 wrote
I really hope someone photoshops this babies face onto MTG
turneyde t1_jcdw9bh wrote
What an excellent idea!
Mr-Cinnamon t1_jce68e2 wrote
__xXCoronaVirusXx__ t1_jcefvaf wrote
Me when I find a stick in the woods
[deleted] t1_jces9i0 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcexfg5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcf1ph7 wrote
ByteEater t1_jcf3ixv wrote
An axe in her hand with a LOTR background will do wonders, the face slightly dark and she'll be ready for the Uruk-hai
-_Anonymous__- t1_jcfg4eh wrote
I'm on it.
[deleted] t1_jcfjb4r wrote
-_Anonymous__- t1_jcfkka9 wrote
zvoidx t1_jcfpdk1 wrote
[deleted] t1_jcfpl77 wrote
JIN_DIANA_PWNS t1_jcg51w3 wrote
juanjomora t1_jcgblsa wrote
richardgrabcat t1_jcgev9u wrote
Buzzybill t1_jcgz3ai wrote
The two different arms are cool!
R3DREXX t1_jch14zj wrote
[deleted] t1_jchb8ia wrote
AutoModerator t1_jcdky4q wrote
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