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ApiContraption t1_jcnfog8 wrote

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SmoothOperator89 t1_jco12bp wrote

Semase Stert


drums_addict t1_jcnw666 wrote

Cookie Monster looks like an old person who took their teeth out.


bbjony77 t1_jcoh85a wrote

Bill Bird, Smellmo, and Cracker Monster


MinnieShoof t1_jcot4na wrote

I was gonna say Med Bird, Hydrox Fiend and ElmmoooooOOOOMYGOD.


plop_0 t1_jcwmysa wrote

> Hydrox Fiend

hahahahahaha. Muffin Destroyer. Biscuit baron.


metroidfan220 t1_jcpjdi1 wrote

This is my local Walmart and they are doubling down. They deleted the original post and posted a new picture, which is also being torn apart online.


plop_0 t1_jcwn0ju wrote

> which is also being torn apart online.

hahahaha. omg. Really?! Link?


funkadunk8 t1_jcov4og wrote

Please we need a big bird you know I had to do it to em