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DykeOnABike t1_ivnozir wrote
Hat has way too much shit on it
elmekia_lance t1_ivnqj3v wrote
this uniform looks like it was designed by Russians
golem501 t1_ivo1p1b wrote
It looks like it was designed by Hugo Boss.
DicknosePrickGoblin t1_ivo3nag wrote
Hogo's drunk russian cousin, just missing the tripaloski.
golem501 t1_ivodkpj wrote
Hugo Boss did the SS uniforms in WW2, just in case you didn't get that.
Scorpy226 t1_ivofr7p wrote
They only produced them, they did not design the SS Uniforms. The Design was done by Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck, two SS members with no connection to Hugo Boss
CosmicCreeperz t1_ivqp2yf wrote
“Only produced”? Hugo Boss was a prominent member of the Nazi party and used forced labor in his factories to make Nazi uniforms (starting in the early 30s). Gets no pass because he didn’t literally design them all.
Scorpy226 t1_ivwy3qm wrote
Wasnt the point. You often hear they were his designs, which is not the case. No one said anything about his personal or professional involvement
elmekia_lance t1_ivshqpx wrote
I hate to say this, but this looks way worse than Nazi uniforms. The patches are haphazardly placed, the hat is comically busy, and it's not even tailored properly to the soldier wearing it. It looks baggy and unflattering.
The gaudy quality evokes the cocky uniforms of authoritarian regimes whose officers have more medals than heroism, while the bagginess evokes the out of shape quality of the president who commissioned this branch.
The only thing I like about it is the mod Nehru collar and the placement of buttons.
Sfoxfox t1_ivnt30o wrote
It doesn’t even fit
Nazamroth t1_ivod1ww wrote
Was gonna say that.... wtf is with all the emblems on the brim? Who thought this was a good idea?
anglesideside1 t1_ivoe5xw wrote
A good artist knows when to put down the brush
churros4burros t1_ivp666s wrote
It's flair. People join the Space Force for the atmosphere and the attitude. It's about Fun.
Deadhawk142 t1_ivq9bq3 wrote
Now, you know it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or... well, like General Raymond, for example, has thirty seven pieces of flair, okay. And a terrific smile.
AaronZOOM t1_ivor8q7 wrote
Plus, the chin kills.
ehm_ca t1_ivorkrd wrote
We did WAY too much!
masterpainimeanbetty t1_ivn0igf wrote
this has to be a joke
bolderphoto t1_ivngm08 wrote
yes... it's a joke Trump played on all of us.
anglesideside1 t1_ivoeb7n wrote
Leave it to Trump to create a new military agency and make them wear oversized overly decorated nazi-esque uniforms.
dabiggman t1_ivomv8a wrote
Trump was gone before those uniforms came out.
pixel-painter t1_ivoxk3k wrote
Don’t break the narrative
Yue4prex t1_ivojxr0 wrote
Came to say, this looks VERY naziesque as well
CreADHDvly t1_ivoymtr wrote
Same basically. I was going to say I never knew a uniform could look so racist before it's even been put to use.
MassGaydiation t1_ivozfzr wrote
Americans design these then wonder why everyone is looking at them weird
Quake_Guy t1_ivowrk6 wrote
A Nazi wouldn't be caught dead in that outfit.
Bar_Har t1_ivn9fni wrote
Please someone do the “Spock helmet”!
ChrisMahoney t1_ivp93cg wrote
That uniform actually looks pretty slick. Brim is a little overdone though.
Seam0re t1_ivp6eu0 wrote
Steve carelle gained some weight
[deleted] t1_ivmrnbh wrote
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